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Originally basing in Brisbane QLD, - ST SAHLA has become a highly respected name in the local community. From pouring some of Brisbane’s best coffees, and working up a storm in many different cafes across Brisbane’s North & Westside, Shanice & Ali are definitely your all beverage go-to.


It's a super non-interesting story really... it's just their name letters alternating :

(Shanice, Ali, sHanice, aLison, shAnice)

Geniuses. They know.

Taking the leap in August 2021, the ST SAHLA duo moved their lives to Melbourne,  Victoria to take the next step forward for their daytime careers. ST SAHLA will continue to run in Melbourne & hopefully carry on the impression they left in their home town.  

Their experience and showmanship are second to none. Mixing the old with the new, these mixologist geniuses can craft a perfectly prepared classic with a new twist, or serve a completely original drink with basic ingredients and techniques.

Now days, Shanice spends her Monday's - Friday's working at a super awesome Social Media Agency, and Ali as a world class Model Booker for a Boutique Modelling agency.

Sleep? That's on their to do list!

Fun fact about Shanice: She can do the splits

Fun fact about Ali: She can recite every single word from the entire Harry Potter series.

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